It was a lot more steep a climb than it appears in this photo, taken in the early stages of our assent.
The group climbed at varied rates and occasionally factions would stop to enjoy the view and let others catch up a bit.
As members of our group reached the near-top destination of Glen Esk, they'd get a warm "well done" as sandwiches and jokes were exchanged freely.
Dave was mostly at the front of the pack while Dana walked a more relaxed pace with a couple of her aunties at the back. You'd have thought they were separated for a month the way they greeted each other.
There was a beautiful loche at the destination. Fearless Dave took on the dare to swim in the glacier cold water. What a sport.
Later, after dinner we all went for a nice goodbye stroll along the road around the Inn. It was peaceful and beautiful.
*getting access to wifi has been especially difficult lately.
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